Why do I Love New York ??
- Because we just had some "organic kind of thing" frittes with fancy sauces in the staircase of our apartment in East Village.
- Because we have changed 3 times of apartment, but still laughing at it. God, the apartment in Brooklyn was an oven.
- Because you can buy those pita chips simply naked, and I am bloody addicted to them.
- Because you can eat out amazingly healthy and good price , and amazingly healthy and super expensive at home.
- Because the dolar is nearly half a pound.
- Because Saint Marks place is full of creeps and weirdos. But it doesnt matter.
- Because there is never a lift to take you up seven floors.
- Because you can walk everywhere.
- Because the boys here are hot.
- Because you can find whatever you imagine wherever you want.
- Because you can bump into one of your good friends in the grocery. Or into one of your old friends in the street at night going home.
- Because working here is fun.
- Because you can go to Woodstock and feel that you are on a roadtrip.
- Because Jersey is only a stone through away to find yourself in the backyard of a local hotrod who has a fetish for siping cold tea while brushing his long soakie loks.
- Because you can buy really cool shoes at a reasonable price.
- Because you can be completely broke in one week.
- Because Williamsburg is so fun.
- Because you meet with friends of friends that you don´t really know.
- Because you can strike conversations about open relationships and the pressures of remaining monogamus.
- Because you can go to an open air cinema under the Brooklyn bridge feeling like a teenager again. Its just like 1979.
- Because the walls of CBGB still remain in a shop on the bowery.
- Because you can eat at peels.
- Because you can end your trip in a photobooth at Coney Island.
- Because chickalaciscaous is the place to be on a hot summers night with the stoop on the side.
- Because you can ride your schwinn through the streets of fort greene.
- Because margaritas taste better on the side walks of alphabet city.
- Because you can make out with an australian in the back of a yellow taxi (apparently).
- Because the exhibition of Mc Queen at the Metropolitan is pretty cool and really well done.
- Because the black panther rules the crib.
- Because Dean & Deluca makes you feel safe and happy. And you leave with a smile in your face, wanting to come back for more.
- Because being hick is hip.
- Because Yoga for the people is for the people.
- Because you can jump on a trampoline and feel like a child again.
- Because I´ve discovered so many places where I want to take you to.
- Because New york is New York and it will always be New York.
(I wrote that thing above during my days in NYC and found it now in my notebook and we took these pictures while doing a photoshoot in Jersey. And I enjoyed myself so much jumping on the trampoline. So so much)
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